Friday, 1 October 2010

Its as if he has always been here

Sorry for the delay but my computer decided to go off sick - so I have currently nicked Dad's so i can catch up on emails and update Dare's blog :o)

He has settled in really well - at first I thought being in a pack may have been a bit much for him as he was so withdrawn but my lovely bunch of mad dogs have shown him how to party and he is really starting to act like a collie at last !

I let him off lead for the first time about a week ago (i know very soon but i tend to go with my gut feelings and it felt right) he was such a scaredy boy that he didnt really wander far . It took him 3 days to finally try running and now he loves it - chasing birds is his favourite past time so no cliff walking for us ! Hr has a fab recall and i can call him off two running ponies without any trouble (which Lucy will know is a big deal after his first reaction to ponies !)

Its been fun watching him settle in - a bit like watching a new boy at school . He started off hanging out with the teachers pets/ geeks (sorry Kai and Crusoe but you are ! ) but you could tell he really wanted to hang out with the cool gang . He is now spending most of his time with Magic (brave move) but I guess every boy wants to be friends with the prettiest girl and thats definatly my Magic - and she knows it ! She has told him off loads but he is yet to be put off.

In the mornings when he wakes up he still does his crazy rolling and mad runnning aound the house he genuinely seems glad to wake up here everyday which is such a nice way to look at the world :o)

He has been to 2 agility shows and camped at one . A very good boy throughout and is learning that most people carry sausage and can be mugged for it ! He was fab when he met Sharon it was as if he had always known her straight up to her for a hug and thats what he got ! He also has the most amazing memory and dragged me across the agility field to see Lesley who had fed him some cheese the weekend before !

He can still be very very afraid - i took him with me to the toilets (very dark and cramped little toilets) late at night at the show , thought nothing of it until we got there . . . bless him he had a proper panic attack at me trying to take him into the dark place . Luckily i had lots of treats and we got there in the end . I guessing it brought back memories of being in a shed ? :o(

He is one big cuddly bear of a dog and follows me everywhere the other dogs have accepted him totally and he is getting used to the ever changing dog visitors we have here . Slowly he is learning to play tuggy which is fab

I love him to bits :o)


  1. Oh god chasing birds, better not come out with Mindy then!...great to hear the update

  2. Never doubted he would fit in. Love him xxx
