Group love - 3 NAWT rescues and 2 princesses
Dare obviously very stressed in his new surroundings !!
Dare obviously very stressed in his new surroundings !!
Its been a right nightmare getting him to eat anything lately - have now discovered he has an intollerance to Beef !!! He was happily eating Chappie and mixer and then just stopped as if i was trying to poison him ! so we went through the whole 'fine dont want it - dont have it' stage but he always calls my bluff and after 3 days of eating NOTHING i gave in and cooked him some chicken and rice ( I can hear you all groaning from here !!!) but he was getting very lethargic and his tummy was rumbling so much i couldnt take it anymore :o(
I dont really care what he eats as long as i dont have to cook it - ideally dry kibble like my others but he will not have any of it - not burns, JWB, skinners, etc etc have gone through every free sample i can find !
So now we are having 'Butchers' tinned dog food and mixer which he is eating - i have never had a fussy dog before (my others would literally eat anything) and its such a nightmare he is soooo stubborn about it as well . . . any ideas greatfully recieved as i have exhausted all i know !
Other than that he has settled well into the crazy life we lead - Myself and Sharon were asked to go to Discover Dogs at Earls court - for the NAWT agility display we have been before and usually have a fab time however this year presented with a whole new set of problems for us both !
Sharons Staffy Jerry was very poorly at the time and so sharon did not want to leave her so we decided to take her and Lace my spaniel so jerry had company and warmth in the van while we went into Earls Court - then we had another thought - what if someone nicked the van with our precious girls in it !
The answer take our ready made van protector Dare !! I was already worried about leaving him as i promised him i never would and although i am sure he would have been totally fine without me the thought of it was causing me much stress - so off we went a Jerry a dog aggressive staffy, Lace a nutty cocker, Display dog Jake a stressy staffy, Display dog Brooke a neurotic Belgian and Dare the most nervous aggressive dog i have met into one of the busiest places we could think of . . . . .
We had a great time - Dare who has a few issues with staffys ignored Jake's growling (poor Jake!!) and took the whole Travellodge experience in his stride - he was able to walk down the busy streets of London no probs and to be honest when the strange drunk man came up to talk to me I was more than glad Dare dog decided he didnt like him !!! ( see photos at start of post - I have no idea how to move them to the bottom and it wont let me move the text either ?)
I was very proud of Dare (and Jake and Brooke for doing yet another faultless agility demo for the crowds) and chuffed that he trusts me enough to survive a trip to London :o)
I have decided not to do any agility training with him for at least a year - i did a bit with him over the past few weekends and he seems to lack focus etc even though we are just playing tuggy stepping through a jump he will go and sniff etc as soon as he gets near the equipment. My time with Kai has taught me to never push them and IF he ever feels like it in the future then he will show me - until then he can come along to training do some clicker work, play tuggy at the shows and relax with nothing being asked of him except to cope with his surroundings. I had no ambitions for him in terms of training I just want him to relax and learn to be a dog again !
I cant end my post without mentioning a little bit about Jerry Lee Sharons staffy girl who sadly went to Rainbow bridge last week. What can i say that all of you dont already know ?? They take so much of our hearts with them . . . . I will miss her forever and know my mum will take great care of her for Sharon. She was a one in a lifetime girl who taught me so much about staffys, dogs and generally how I should live MY life - Sweet Dreams Beanie dog the first staffy I ever loved x x x